There are numerous instances during online shopping where shoppers are not in a position to make an immediate product purchase due to the financial constraints, time boundation, recurring network issues or other such problems that may hinder the process of online shopping. In all these above circumstances, customer would appreciate if he/she can get a amechanism to save his/her products for a future purchase without any need for product searching. This is definitely one of the primary concern for various online shoppers and affects their engagement on an eCommerce store. In order to provide an option for a quick product purchase, wishlists have emerged as the most helpful feature for online shoppers in this changing eCommerce business scenario.
If you want to optimize the shopping experience of your online buyers, you need to give a quick look towards this
Magento Advanced Wishlist extension that provides facility to save your desired products in your wishlists for a quick future product purchase. This is definitely a path- breaking extension from
Knowband store that can redefine your entire online shopping experience to a great extent. Let us explore more about this
Magento extension through the help of various screenshots that are mentioned below.
Utilize the services and features of this Magento Advanced Wishlist extension for saving your desired products in your wishlist for accomplishing a seamless future product purchase.
The extension provides a quick notification and alert to customers regarding a saved product in the wishlist. Due to this updated information, it is now much easier to improve the sales and conversions for your Magento store. You just have to follow the simple process for a quick addition of desired products in your wishlist.
This Magento extension provides a clear and simplified interface where online shoppers can check out the products present in their wishlist. Apart from this, they can also quickly add the desired saved products into their shopping cart for a quick purchase. It is now possible to perform three essential tasks like “Add to Cart”, “Add to Wishlist” and “Add to Compare” from a single page itself.
The back end of the Magento platform helps in performing various critical tasks without any hassle. You can seamlessly perform cache storage management, quick installation of any other desired Magento extension, running of compilation process, general module settings and much more.
Embrace this
Magento extension for making higher sales and conversions among your rivals by simplifying the online shopping experience for your targeted customers. You just have to install this
Magento Advanced Wishlist extension on your store and everything will be much simplified than before in terms of making a quick product purchase.
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